Judge endangered by Amazon book listing

Judges often make difficult decisions not everyone agrees with. This makes it hard to foresee when and how someone’s disappointment can turn into a threat. In the case of one judge, it happened in an Amazon book listing that exposed sensitive information. Without intervention, this judge may never have discovered the listing, let alone been able to remove it.

Shield and book illustrationYou never know where an attack is going to come from. This was certainly an unusual situation that Ironwall addressed quickly.

The threat

  • A judge was doxxed via a book listing on Amazon as an act of revenge.
  • The listing exposed the judge’s name and address, endangering him and his family.
  • Amazon’s visibility and indexing made the exposure widespread and difficult to address.

The outcome

  • Our team spotted the exposure and contacted Amazon immediately.
  • We clearly outlined the imminent risk to the judge and the potential liability for Amazon.
  • Ironwall secured the removal of the book listing after persistent follow-ups.

Doxxing as a form of revenge

Judges have always faced risks because of their commitment to delivering justice. The internet has only made things worse, offering new avenues to those seeking revenge. Doxxing is one of those avenues.

One judge experienced it first hand when someone with a grudge decided to get creative with such an attack, exposing his name and home address in an unexpected and highly effective way.

Death threats delivered by Amazon

The perpetrator had a negative experience in the Judge’s courtroom. Because of this, he was so determined to endanger the judge that he wrote a short book titled “Judge (last name withheld) Is An (expletive) And He Lives At (home address).”

He uploaded this information to amazon.com, a website visited by more than 190 million people every day. Since Amazon is one of the internet’s most popular and highly indexed websites, any search for that judge's name would return this book listing, revealing his name and address to anyone with a bone to pick.

The intent was clear: to direct hostility toward the judge and his family. This could easily have resulted in intimidation, threats, vandalism, and even violence.

Relentless advocacy vs big tech

Thankfully, things never had the chance to escalate so far. Ironwall searches every corner of the internet daily, enabling us to quickly discover the book. Our security team contacted Amazon immediately and demanded that the listing be removed.

Getting a tech giant to respond quickly is never easy, but our team is trained to handle even the hardest cases. After several attempts, we tracked down the right contact, explained the situation (along with Amazon’s potential legal exposure should something happen to our client), and successfully removed the book from Amazon.

Please Note: All case studies are described in ways that preserve our clients’ safety and anonymity.

Prevent security risks with Ironwall

We understand the dangers people face working with a target on their backs. Ironwall keeps them covered. Day or night, no matter the challenge, we’ll fight for your team’s privacy and personal safety.